
Encryption is key
Leaders in innovative portable encrypted devices.
Since 1983, Apricorn has developed dozens of award-winning external encrypted storage products to help protect data at rest. Every Apricorn Aegis drive is encrypted and authenticated using its onboard keypad and internal hardware. No software is used, so no Content Security Policies (CSPs) are shared with the host device.
In response to the pandemic, organisations faced a unique challenge; deploying remote working strategies to allow their workforce to work from home overnight. Security risks increased with data outside the corporate network, especially on removable media.
Now more than ever, encryption is vital. Cybercriminals don’t stop and will find any weakness to exploit and steal vulnerable data. Encrypted devices prevent data from falling into the wrong hands and help drive compliance towards GDPR policies.
Apricorn is trusted by financial, healthcare and education industries where the protection of client and patient data is highly regulated. With 256-bit AES encryption and NIST FIPS 140-2 validation up to level 3, Apricorn elevates your data protection above regulatory compliance.
Product Overview

Encrypted USB
The Aegis Secure Key line packs a ton of data security features into the smallest of form factors. Software-Free Encrypted USB Keys, 256-Bit AES hardware encrypted, FIPS validated, and nine storage capacities ranging from 2GB to the industry-leading 1TB secure USB flash drive.

Encrypted Hard Disk Drive
Portable, affordable, and reliable. The portable HDD line of Aegis Secure Drives keeps your sensitive data secure on the go, encrypting on the fly. Software-free, 256-bit AES encrypted, and USB port powered with on-board keypad or biometric authentication. These are the best secure encrypted portable hard drives on the market today.

Encrypted SSD
Store up to 4TB of files on Apricorn’s super tough, ultra-compact, 100% hardware-based 256-bit AES XTS encrypted, onboard keypad PIN authenticated SSD. Ideal where software-authenticated encrypted devices can't function, such as embedded systems, machines without a keyboard, and equipment in possession of a powered USB port and storage file system.

Configure multiple compatible Apricorn Aegis devices simultaneously to quickly create master profiles and PINs, customise settings and preload data on to up to 10 devices at a time. An indispensable tool for administrators who can easily deploy, manage and edit user profiles as well as to log and recover device PINs.
Solutions Overview
For any organisation, data is one of your most valuable assets, and this is reinforced with the changes in data regulations like GDPR to protect it.
As with any new regulations, they will always be put to the test by more sophisticated techniques, so it is dangerous to leave your company exposed to the ongoing risk of data breaches.
Thankfully, encryption holds the key to protecting sensitive data. Along with an effective security plan, encrypted USB, HDD and SSDs, coupled with the Aegis configurator from Apricorn, will provide the last line of defence for your data.
Their award-winning devices are the perfect match, especially with remote working being the norm for many organisations for some time to come.
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We have become accustomed to having our data at our fingertips and now hold more data on our smartphones and digital devices than ever.
Keeping track of multiple passwords and important documents can become impossible, and often these are not backed up. Losing or having important information stolen could have catastrophic consequences for your livelihood.
The answer could lie with Apricorn’s hardware-encrypted USBs to manage and store such files, and, in the event, the device is lost or stolen, the data is protected.
Ready to use out of the box and with multiple USB connector options for Type A & Type C ports there is a secure drive to fit your own devices.
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